Problems Generated by Poor Support of Young Talented People


Anghel Ona Ionica1


1. Lecturer PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi , Romania


Abstract The subject of supporting talented young people through educational strategies and educational policies is more and more concerning for the researchers in the area of psycho-pedagogy of excellence. The problems solved by the policies and strategies of supporting talented students have a double nature: some have of a moral and personal nature, invoking the right to equitable education for each and the maximum development of talent for oneself, others have social and economic nature. In order for a person to be creative, to offer innovative solutions to various technical, environmental, social, cultural, etc. a partnership is needed: the talented person and his supporters - the family, the school, the economic environment, the country where he lives. The paper discusses the two major categories of issues generated by the lack of support of young talent, insisting on the phenomena of intelligence migration.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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