1. 1 SICHUAN FILM D TELEVISION UNIVERSITY , Chengdu , Sichuan, , China .
This paper, based on the multimodal technology of the Internet era, proposes the application of a combined visual and auditory associative mechanism to news and broadcast hosting segments. We analyze the text content of two program periods, focusing on the broadcasting section, by conducting content analysis on each operationalized index of internal visual and auditory perception. We explore and interpret the sensuality of TV news broadcasting, using sensualism and receptive aesthetics as the theoretical foundation. We chose “Hsing Shu Dao” as our research subject and utilized the speech spectrogram to gather the host’s innovative speech traits influenced by the associative mechanism. This allowed us to investigate the impact of the associative mechanism’s specialization in the broadcasting and hosting domain. The results reveal widespread use of sensualism in two programs, “The O’Reilly Factor” and “News Investigation,” with an average application of the index exceeding six times per episode. In the process of creating language, Sample 3 of the recordings under the “script + soundtrack + picture” association has a big impact on changing the shape of the host’s speech. The number of words increases by 3–5 for vowelization of contrastive consonants and by 5–11 for resonance subsidence.
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