1. TianJin Vocational Institute , Tianjin , , China .
Current vocational high school management practices suffer from low efficiency, mainly due to inadequate backing from pertinent educational theories. In this study, the POA concept is first used as a guideline for the innovation of the management mode of higher vocational education, and 30 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China are taken as the research objects. Then, based on the output and input indicators, we constructed the efficiency assessment system of education management, used the DEA model to make static measurements of education management efficiency in 2020-2022, and further analyzed the dynamic evolution trend of the efficiency of higher vocational education management by using the Malmquist index. According to the results, less than 50% of higher vocational colleges and universities are classified as non-DEA practical situations. For these higher vocational colleges and universities, their input redundancy and output insufficiency are analyzed, in which the two input indicators of total public expenditure and the number of administrative personnel of decision-making unit 1 are insufficient. The input insufficiency rate is 13.43% and 73.01%, respectively. According to the input and output of each higher vocational college or university, the corresponding solution measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of educational management of higher vocational.
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