1. School of Foreign Languages and Literature , Jilin Normal University , Siping , Jilin , , China .
This paper discusses the dilemma of foreign language teachers’ career development and the new ecology of English teaching under the environment of education informatization in the era of big data. Through the questionnaire survey of X colleges and universities, we screen the indicators of the influencing factors of teachers’ informatization teaching ability, verify the influencing mechanism of teachers’ informatization teaching ability through the results analyzed by multilayer linear modeling method, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures for the improvement of teaching ability and career development on the basis of this. Using structural equation modeling to test and analyze the influencing factors of the informatization teaching effect, applying informatization teaching to practice, it is analyzed that teachers’ informatization teaching ability is significantly influenced by the number of multimedia classrooms, campus network bandwidth, digital resources, and other factors (P<0.01). Therefore, specific reference suggestions were made for information literacy training and enriching the school’s digital environment. The degree of informatization has a significant effect on teaching effectiveness (P<0.05) and can significantly improve students’ English listening (P=0.004) and speaking (P=0.007) scores.
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