1. Amnesty International. “Unacceptably Limiting Human Rights Protection.” (March 1999) // https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/amr050011999en.pdf
2. Aust, Anthony. Modern Treaty Law and Practice, 2nd edn. CUP: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
3. Bialiatski, Ales. “The Nobel Peace Lecture.” (December 2022) // https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2022/bialiatski/lecture/".
4. Belarusian And International Civil Society. “Belarusian authorities must not withdraw Belarus from First Optional Protocol of the ICCPR.” (August 2022) // https://humanrightshouse.org/statements/belarusian-authorities-must-not-withdraw-belarus-from-first-optional-protocol-of-the-iccpr/
5. Belgium v. Senegal, Judgment, I.C.J., 2012, ICJ GL No 144.