1. Industrial Design and Production Engineering Department , University of West Attica , 250 Thivon & P. Ralli Street, Egaleo Postal code 12241 , Athens , Greece
2. InnoRenew CoE, Renewable Materials Composites Group , Livade 6 , Izola , Slovenia
3. Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science , AGH University of Science and Technology , al. A. Mickiewicza 30 , Kraków , Poland
4. Faculty of Architecture , University of Belgrade , Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/II , Belgrade , Serbia
5. Next Technology Tecnotessile Società Nazionale di Ricerca r.l. , Via del Gelso 13 , Prato , Italy
6. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design , Kaunas University of Technology , Studentų Street 56 , Kaunas , Lithuania