Communication Processes in a Project Implemented by a Public Institution


Kot Mateusz1ORCID


1. PhD at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Institute of Media Education and Journalism , ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warsaw


Abstract The study aims at defining communication relations between a project team, a project manager and a wider project environment within a public institution. Individual in-depth interviews were chosen as the research method. On the basis of the collected material, five main issues related to the communication processes in the studied project were specified: a hierarchical structure, professional dependence, understanding of one’s mutual duties, relations between members of the project team and communication with the steering committee. On the basis of the findings, a scheme of project management in the studied public institution was identified. Communication and organizational weaknesses have been indicated, which may be eliminated or may not occur if they are spotted early on.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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