1. Department of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry , Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants National Research Institute , Kolejowa 2, 62-630 Plewiska , Poland
Introduction: The use of dietary supplements has been increasing globally, especially among children. A lot of parents are influenced by advertising. In addition, in Poland a trend to self-medication has been observed. Parents often do not distinguish dietary supplements, medicinal products and non-prescription drugs. These are the most common reasons for the increase in sales of dietary supplements in Poland. Until a few years ago, many products containing vitamins and minerals intended for children were sold as medicines. Today, a product with the same formulation is sold as a dietary supplement. However, a few studies have been conducted to assess the use of dietary supplements among Polish children.
Objective: The aim of the study was to analyse the use of dietary supplements provided by parents and the study of the awareness of the risks associated with supplements intake among preschool and elementary school students.
Methods: The study was conducted by questionnaire method among 316 parents/legal guardians of children attending elementary schools and preschools in three provinces.
Results: The questionnaire was completed by 88.3% mothers and 11.7% fathers. The age of the respondents was as follows: 64.5% aged 31–40, 18.3% aged 41–45, 9.5% aged 26–30, 7.2% above 46 years and only 0.3% younger than 25. About 80% of parents administered their children with dietary supplements in specific situations. Vitamin and mineral supplements were predominant. A statistical analysis showed the effect of the education level as well as having many children on the administration of dietary supplements.
Conclusion: The questionnaire shows that the vast majority of parents/legal guardians administer their children with dietary supplements. There is a need to educate parents/legal guardians about the use of supplements and the risks involved.
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