Ethnic Aspects of the 2022 Hungarian Parliamentary Elections with Special Reference to the Slovene National Minority


Dobos Balázs1,Kovács Attila2,Hirnök Katalin Munda2


1. Institute for Minority Studies, Centre for Social Sciences , Tóth Kálmán u. 4., Budapest, H-1097 , Hungary

2. Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja , Erjavčeva 26 , Ljubljana


Abstract The 2022 parliamentary elections in Hungary offered for the third time an opportunity for national minorities to elect their representative by casting a preferential vote for their Member of Parliament. However, the failure of the list of representatives of the most numerous ethnic group, the Roma, and the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the violation of multiple elements of the electoral system underscored the need for a comprehensive assessment of hitherto experience and for a reform of the preferential minority mandate and the institution of advocacy. This study aims to contribute to this process by examining the institutional framework and the electoral results, with a particular focus on the analysis of minority-related aspects of the last parliamentary elections and the situation of the Slovene national minority.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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