The impact of Special Economic Zones on local labour markets in Poland


Ambroziak Adam A.1ORCID,Dziemianowicz Wojciech2ORCID


1. Collegium of World Economy Department of European Integration and Legal Studies , SGH Warsaw School of Economics , Poland

2. Chair of Urban Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies , University of Warsaw , Poland


Abstract Studies conducted so far suggest that SEZs are not treated by local authorities as the main mechanism of job creation in a given region. The objective of this paper is to highlight potential mechanisms through which SEZs impact labour markets in poviats (counties) in Poland. To this end we conducted a comparative analysis of changes that had taken place in the labour market over the period 2004–2016 in two groups of poviats with the highest unemployment rate reported in 2004: with and without SEZs. The study does not allow us to unambiguously conclude that SEZs contributed to the improvement of labour market situation in poviats with the highest unemployment rate in Poland. That can be attributed to the fact that SEZs in Poland are highly fragmented as well as to SEZs investors being able to select locations for their investment projects in relatively better developed regions.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)

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