Space syntax as a socio-economic approach: a review of potentials in the polish context


Lamprecht Mariusz1ORCID


1. Institute of Built Environment and Spatial Policy, Faculty of Geographical Sciences , University of Lodz , Lodz , Poland


Abstract The article presents selected issues within the field of space syntax, its theoretical assumptions, and application possibilities, taking into account, especially, works in the field of social and economic geography, and spatial management. The article attempts to present Polish works in the field of space syntax as related to the wider spectrum of its global applications. In Poland, the theory and research tools of space syntax are rarely used. It appears that there are two factors that influence the current marginalisation of space syntax. The first one is the relative complexity of the research procedure, which requires knowledge of specialist computer software. The second arises directly from the fact that, in reality, only occasional use of space syntax tools has been attempted within the Polish arena. This determines the actual lack of a native space syntax community that would support subsequent researchers who are ready to conduct such studies.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)

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