Research into the Effects of the Effective Microorganisms Addition on the Engine Oil Viscosity


Krakowski Rafał1


1. Faculty of Marine Engineering , Morska Street 83, 81-225 Gdynia , Poland , tel.: +48 58 6901398


Abstract In the article, changes in the properties of oils during operation were characterized. The main reason for this is the continuous aging process of the used oil caused by the interaction of oxygen contained in the air, which reacts relatively easily with hydrocarbons and the oxidation process is accelerated just by high temperature. Then the problem of microorganisms occurring in petroleum products and their effect on the properties of oils and the operation of the internal combustion engine was presented. The next part of the article presents effective microorganisms, i.e. what they are and how they work, in particular, their composition and appropriate development conditions. In addition, some of their specific applications were briefly described. In the next part of the article, the research methodology, applied oil samples with additives of effective microorganisms, both for fresh oil and used oil were described. In addition, the measuring test stand with instrumentation and measuring device was shown. The main part of the article contains the characteristics of dynamic viscosity as a function of temperature for fresh oil and used oil compared with oils with the addition of microorganisms in liquid form and ceramic tubes. The developed graphs enabled analysis of the effect of the addition of microorganisms on oil viscosity as ecological products.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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