Romanogobio Banaticus (Bănărescu, 1960) in the Nera River (Danube Basin)


Bănăduc Doru1ORCID,Ceauşu Mihai2,Mărginean Mircea3,Dobre Alexandru2,Curtean-Bănăduc Angela1ORCID


1. 1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu , Applied Ecology Research Center , Dr. Ion Raţiu Street 5-7 , Sibiu , Romania , RO-550012

2. Ecotur Sibiu, Rahova Street 43, 89 , Sibiu , Romania , RO-550345

3. 3 Fauna & Flora International ‒ Romania , 1 Decembrie Street 14 , Deva , Romania , RO-330152


Abstract Romanogobio banaticus it is a species of conservation interest with a small distribution range in the south-west of the Romanian Carpathians basin. In spite of the presence of some moderate anthropogenic threats and risks, the Nera River is a sanctuary for this fish. The lower latitude of Nera in comparison with other rivers where this fish is living, explain its presence in an atypical ichthyological zone. This species presence is permanent, the abundance is relatively high, the age structure is well balanced, more than that, in some sectors is a co-dominant species, all of these revealing a favourable conservation status.


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