Habitat use by waterbirds at Rački ribniki, NE Slovenia


Bordjan Dejan1,Martinc Urška1


1. Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta , Univerza v Ljubljani , Večna pot 83, SI–1000 Ljubljana , Slovenia


Abstract The difference in habitat use by the observed waterbird species at Rački ribniki (Rače Ponds, NE Slovenia) was studied between June and August 2011. It was assessed that different waterbird species, even closely related species like Aythya ducks, use wetlands differently, with Tufted Ducks A. fuligula observed more on Open water and Ferruginous Ducks A. nyroca more often amongst Floating vegetation. The latter was used more often probably due to the abundance of food in the habitat. Highest species richness was recorded on Floating vegetation as well. This was reflected in species richness of individual ponds, where ponds with more floating vegetation had higher species richness. Although Coots Fulica atra were expected to utilize Floating vegetation more often due to their feeding preferences, they were observed more often on Open water probably feeding on fish fodder available there. The difference in habitat use by the families and nonbreeding individuals of the same species was noted, too, mostly by observing families in habitats that provide more cover from predators (Reeds), or more invertebrate food (Floating vegetation) for the young that often feed on different food than adults. Furthermore, it was suggested that overall management of wetlands should consider providing more suitable wetlands with larger aquatic vegetation cover.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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1. Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca);Birds of the World;2024-07-19








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