Analysis of the Grape and Wine Market in Slovakia


Ladvenicová Jana1,Čeryová Dominika1,Bajusová Zuzana1


1. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra , Slovakia


Abstract The cultivation of grapes and the production of grape wine have a long tradition in Slovakia. In the paper, we deal with the analysis of the grape and wine market in Slovakia in the years 2011–2020. Vineyards have approximately 1% representation in agricultural land. The average area of vineyards in the monitored period was at the level of 11,485 ha, of which 80% were fruiting vineyards. Their acreage was mainly comprised of cider varieties (97%) and a small portion of table varieties (2%) and hybrids of all varieties (1%). The production of grapes showed a fluctuating trend, but on average 46,913 t of grapes were produced in Slovakia. The average yield was 5.3 t/ha. The territory of Slovakia is divided into 6 wine-growing regions, the largest being the Malokarpatský region, the average area of which was 4,930 ha, and the smallest region, Tokaj, with an average area of 1,091 ha. On average, 340,000 hl of wine were produced in Slovakia, of which 67% was white wine production. Imports exceeded exports of wine. The number of winemakers as well as traders with wine products is growing from year to year.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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