1. PhD Candidate, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
In this article we investigate the correlation between the attitude toward education and the subjective social status of the students. We used a previously validated questionnaire to measure the attitude toward education and the MacArthur Scale of subjective social status capturing first, personal familial placement within society and secondly, personal placement in the school environment. This questionnaire was distributed online and was completed by 185 respondents from different schools and universities. The data was analyzed in R, performing factor analysis and a structural equation model. 4 latent factors were identified, that influence the formation of the attitude toward education, namely a general factor, usefulness of education, benefits of education and dislike of education. Only the second part of the scale influence 2 latent factors-general factor and usefulness of education. These results suggest that students positioning themselves higher in school or university have a better attitude toward education and are more prone to appreciate educational process and outcomes.
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