The comparative analysis of some Hungarian and Moldovan wines: The promise of protected geographical indication


Savchina E.1,Borta A.-M.1,Csige L.2,Győri Z.1,Szepesi J.1,Máthé E.1


1. University of Debrecen , Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Nutrition , HU-4032 Debrecen, 138 Böszörményi St , Hungary

2. University of Debrecen , Wine Academy of Mád , HU-3909, 37–39 Mád St , Hungary


Abstract Hungary and Moldova are excelling in unique wines and alcoholic beverages that could qualify for the protected geographical indication (PGI) by emphasizing parameters attributable to the geographical area, production or processing methods. In this study, we have assessed some parameters of wine and brandy samples looking for specificities. The studied samples were of Moldovan and Hungarian Cabernet Sauvignon red wines, Hungarian Furmint white wines, and Moldovan wine distillate/brandy called Divin. The assessed samples were evaluated for: total polyphenol and flavonoid, ethanol, malic, citric, lactic, tartaric acids, reducing sugar, glycerol, carbon dioxide, total and free SO2 content as well as for total acidity, volatile acidity, pH, and wine density. Our results indicate that despite the relatively close geographical vicinity of Hungary and Moldova, the wines produced in the two countries have specific composition, antioxidant activity, and sensorial properties. Thus, the registration of such wines as PGI is clearly justified, and such a label itself does represent a competitive advantage worth promoting.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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