Pleading for a History of Romanian Translation. The Dramatic Text


Bozedean Corina1


1. Lecturer, PhD, ‘G.E. Palade’ University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș , Târgu Mureș , Mureș county, 540 142 , Romania


Abstract The international reception of drama text is, as Hans Robert Jauss showed, not a passive assimilation of the foreign cultural fact but an active and selective response to what is perceived as exterior. The literary creation enjoys but of a relative autonomy which is to be analysed into a dialectic relationship with society, with its production and consumption habits over a given period of time. The degree of closeness to translated creation varies based on audience, and therefore work on a history of translation becomes not only a titanic effort but also proves to be absolutely necessary for a better fixation of certain literary currents and ideologies. As for drama text, the approach of aspects such as the part of editorial translation/retranslation, the part of texts meant for stage or the special profile of the translator of drama may bring a contribution to a more objective understanding of the Romanian theatrical movement.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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