1. Occupational Medicine Practice , Zagreb , Croatia
2. Health Centre Zaprešić , Zaprešić , Croatia
The aim of this study was to assess psychosocial stress-related risks in 70 specialists in occupational health (SOHs) who answered the questionnaire designed in 2016 by the Croatian Institute of Public Health – Department of Occupational Health. The average score of 119.7 points (±28.9; range: 38–175) of maximum 275 points revealed medium level of stress. Eighteen respondents had a high level of stress (>135 points). The most prominent and the only stressor with high stress scores was pressure at work, paperwork and multitasking items in particular. After having grouped the SOHs into three groups by type of organisation in which they work, our results singled out SOHs working in public institutions as having the highest levels of stress (average of 143 points). They reported high pressure at work, work overload, and poor relationship with superiors (in terms of communication and support). SOHs working in healthcare centres and private outpatient clinics also reported higher pressure at work, but the latter had no problems with relationship with superiors, while healthcare centre SOHs complained of work underload and advancement constraints. Differences in relationship with superiors, disagreement/conflicts at work and advancement constraints reflect different organisation of work, which was confirmed by later analysis of subgroups. The findings of this pilot study could be of value for SOHs who are engaged in training programmes as examiners and educators, yet they call for further improvement of the questionnaire and for continued investigation that could give a better insight into the role of various stressors in work efficiency and satisfaction among SOHs.
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Toxicology
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