Interdisciplinary cooperation in the outpatient practice: results from a focus group interview with occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists / Gestaltung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit in der ambulanten Therapie: Resultate eines Fokusgruppeninterviews mit Ergotherapeut*innen, Logopäd*innen und Physiotherapeut*innen


Malmendier Maischa12,Klas Teresa1,Lücking Christiane3


1. Hochschule Fresenius , Fachbereich Gesundheit und Soziales , Köln , Deutschland

2. Universitäre Altersmedizin Felix Platter , Burgfelderstrasse 101 , Basel , Schweiz

3. Hochschule Fresenius , Fachbereich Onlineplus , Hamburg


Abstract The complexity and diversity of healthcare conditions, as well as the financial and personnel challenges requires effective interdisciplinary collaboration (IDC) among various healthcare professionals (Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, 2011; Robert Koch Institute, 2015). In contrast to the inpatient practice, IDC has not established yet in primary care settings. There is a lack of concrete solutions that illustrate how IDC can be implemented in outpatient practice (Schmitz, Atzeni & Berchtold, 2020). The study aims to present realization possibilities of the IDC among occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists based on case examples from outpatient neurorehabilitation practices. Necessary framework conditions and support factors should be identified from successful applications. In an online focus group, five therapists from three outpatient therapy centers were interviewed about the interdisciplinary measures taking place at their workplace. The therapy centers implemented interdisciplinary team meetings, collaborative target setting and therapy planning as well as co-therapies in their everyday primary care practice. Digital communication channels and the use of digital practice software represent support measures that enable communication independent of location and time. Educational policy changes are needed to impart the corresponding attitudes, knowledge and skills to the healthcare professionals during the vocational training/study. The results of the study show that IDC can be implemented in the outpatient setting under appropriate conditions. Legal requirements are needed to enable the application of interdisciplinary measures through adequate remuneration systems and available time slots. Further calls address content in vocational trainings/studies to provide a basis for readiness and competencies for IDC.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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