Predictors of nurses’ response to informal carers’ interventions in medication safety and their collaboration with nurse colleagues and physicians: a cross-sectional factorial survey from Switzerland / Prädiktoren der Reaktion von Pflegefachpersonen auf Interventionen von betreuenden Angehörigen zur Medikationssicherheit und ihre Zusammenarbeit mit pflegerischem und ärztlichem Personal: eine faktorielle Querschnittstudie aus der Schweiz


Riguzzi Marco12,Jähnke Anke1,Bischofberger Iren1


1. Careum School of Health, part of Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences , Zürich

2. University of Zürich , Institute of Implementation Science in Health Care , Zürich


Abstract Background Informal carers contribute significantly to healthcare delivery in Switzerland. Many of them are experienced in everyday practice and perform medication management procedures. Medication is a vital topic in patient safety; however, there is little knowledge about carers’ involvement in the medication process. Design As a part of a larger study with a sequential mixed-methods design, this quantitative cross-sectional factorial online survey explored nurses’ responses towards carers’ interventions in medication safety, as well as their collaboration with nurse colleagues and/or physicians. Method 285 nurses from a chapter of the Swiss Nurses’ Association evaluated case vignettes in which carers approached them regarding (supposed) medication errors at the hospital. The data were analysed by fractional, ordered and multinomial logistic regression models, and robustness was tested by a probit model and an ordinary least squares model. Results Nurses were significantly less likely to approve carers’ interventions if the relationship between the carer and the cared-for person was unclear to them, or if approached in an accusatory way. Prior experience in similar situations and higher education had the opposite effect. Higher age of the nurse and regular contact with carers increased collaboration with other nurses and physicians in verifying the carers’ claims. Conclusion The results highlight the importance of experience with and communication shaped to carers, emphasising an overarching perspective of the medication process by the nurse, including validating the carers’ claims in intra- and interprofessional collaboration. These competencies cannot be taken for granted. They must be taught and trained, as well as supported by carer-friendly executive management.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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