1. Department of Applied Management , Otago Polytechnic Auckland International Campus , Auckland , New Zealand
The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of plastic waste to increase the sustainability of road construction in Auckland. An exploratory research strategy was used based on interviews conducted with infrastructure company and waste management company managers, road construction practitioners, academic experts relevant to the roading industry and technical personnel. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data for insights. There are some concerns regarding the quality and performance of roads affecting socio-sustainability, for which research is advised from the Auckland perspective. Research is recommended in the subject of recycling other waste material such as glass and rubber into roading all over New Zealand (NZ). Moreover, research is recommended specifically for walking and cycling tracks, which is a focus of the Auckland Council currently. The infrastructure companies and the Auckland Council must work together for incorporating plastic waste in roading. Companies can achieve higher sustainability as they will make a profit by saving costs, benefit the society by providing better quality and performance of roads and help the environment by green manufacturing. By using plastic waste, the Auckland Council can meet the targets of decarbonising the transport in Auckland by the year 2040; this is also a step towards the NZ targets of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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