Open Educational Resources - in Engineering Education, Case Study at UC/AGH, UB and ULBS


Duşe Dan-Maniu1,Simó Ildikó1


1. Universitatea ”Lucian Blaga din Sibiu” , Sibiu , România


Abstract To change the educational scene in the epoch of the digital generation there is the possibility of using Open Education (OE) and Open Educational Resources (OER). The term “open educational resources” refers to resources with free access to use, adaptation and redistribution. The objectives of the research are to determine the degree of knowledge and use of OER in three Engineering Universities in three countries (Poland, Hungary and Romania) and to find out whether there is a relationship between the institutions in terms of knowledge and use of OER. The measurement is made by applying the survey method on a sample of n = 192. As a tool we use the questionnaire with 15 questions structured in three chapters: knowledge of OER; using OER; opinions about OER. In this analysis we summarize: the presentation of the degree of familiarity with some OER-related concepts, the use of special search engines, the use of free software sources, the frequency of use of OER and opinions on different types of OER that could be exploited in the future. For the description of relationship between nominal variable we use contingency tables and diagrams and compare the frequency data with the Pearson Chi-square test.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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