On uniform exponential trisplitting for cocycles of linear operators in Banach spaces


Biriş Larisa Elena1,Mihiţ Claudia Luminiţa1,Ceauşu Traian1,Popa Ioan-Lucian2


1. Department of Mathematics , West University of Timişoara , V. Pârvan Blvd., No. 4 300223 Timişoara Romania

2. Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering , University ”1 Decembrie” 1918 of Alba Iulia , 510009 Alba Iulia , Romania


Abstract The aim of this paper is to study the concept of uniform exponential trisplitting for skew-product semiflow in Banach spaces. This concept is a generalisation of the well-known concept of uniform exponential trichotomy. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for this concept of Datko’s type. a character-isation in terms of Lyapunov functions is provided. The results are obtained from the point of view of the projector families, i.e. invariant and strongly invariant.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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