Fuel Production Design for Fuel Cells


Medveď Dušan1,Juríni Filip1,Martinko Dávid1


1. Department of Electric Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , Technical University of Košice , Mäsiarska 74 , Košice , Slovak Republic


Abstract In a world grappling with environmental challenges and the dire need for sustainable energy solutions, this study delves deep into the efficient production of HHO gas via an electrolyser. Recognizing the pivotal role of clean fuel alternatives, we aimed to harness the potential of electrolysis, specifically targeting domestic heating scenarios as a primary application. Through a systematic and comprehensive methodology, we embarked on constructing a functional electrolyser, further advancing its efficiency by means of various innovative strategies, ranging from optimal electrode designs to system configurations. Our research highlighted the potential of the electrolyser in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing natural gas consumption, thus underscoring its environmental benefits. Notably, this work distinguishes itself from previous literature by presenting both a detailed setup process and potential applications for the produced fuel. Moreover, by introducing enhanced efficiency measures, it sets a new standard in electrolyser construction and use. The results reiterate the feasibility of such a system even in household settings, portraying it as a robust answer to today’s energy challenges. In essence, this study serves as a beacon, calling for broader adoption of greener, more sustainable energy solutions.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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