Panels of Cold-Formed Steel Profiles: Possibility of Their Use to Repair War-Damaged Large-Panel Buildings


Semko Volodymyr1,Hranko Olena2,Ároch Rudolf3


1. Dept. of Structural Engineering, Institute of Building Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering , Poznan University of Technology , Poznan , Poland

2. Private enterprise “Poltava-Project” , Poltava , Ukraine

3. Dept. of Steel and Timber Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering , Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava , Bratislava , Slovakia


Abstract In the paper, we present the results of an analysis of data samples of 282 damaged buildings; the samples include the age of the building, the type of vertical bearing structures, the type of construction of the external walls, the method of the insulation of the walls, the number of floors, the buildings’ functions, and the extent of the damage. The primary objective of the analysis was to evaluate the possibility of using panels of cold-formed thin-walled steel profiles to repair the damaged structures. The results of a study of typical projects of large panel buildings that were constructed in Ukraine and an analysis of the practical experience of repairing these types of buildings after blast actions can also be found. The research tasks are defined for implementing this technology in the process of repairing large panel buildings.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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