1. Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska , Poland
Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the article is to define the current state of modern business services sector in Lublin and prospects for development against the background of the largest centers in the country.
Materials and methods: Pursuing the main goal, the authors based their study on the literature on the subject, research reports on the market of modern business services and content from industry websites. The analysis covered several modern business service centers operating on the market, the structure of business processes, the level of employment and the level of local specialization of selected cities.
Results: The sector of modern business services is developing intensively throughout Poland. Dynamic development is also taking place in Lublin. The city has the largest number of BPO, SSC, IT and R&D centers in eastern Poland. The workplaces in the sector is constantly growing. IT services currently have a particularly large share in the sales structure of Lublin centers.
Conclusions: The development of modern business services sector in Lublin is an opportunity for a dynamic economic development of the city and the region.
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