Environmental Protection in Municipal Legislation


Jakab Radomír1


1. 1 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice , Slovakia


Abstract The right to a favourable environment is a constitutionally guaranteed right. It is also linked to the duty of every entity to protect and improve the environment. The rights and obligations related to this are further regulated in the legislation of parliament. However, the municipality has also its irreplaceable place in ensuring environment protection, including in the form of issuance of generally binding regulations. The purpose of this paper is the assessment of the municipality’s competence in the field of environmental protection, taking into account its legislative competence. The aim is to examine the definition of the municipality’s power to issue generally binding regulations in the previous decision-making activity of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, the subsequent legislative changes and the current state of the scope of these powers of municipalities.


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