To the memory of Pápai Páriz Ferenc. The „Pax Corporis”, a home medical book for people


Árpád Balla1,Benedek-György Pelok12


1. Pápai Páriz Ferenc Foundation, Odorheiu Secuiesc

2. Odorheiu Secuiesc Municipal Hospital , Department of Neurology


Abstract We present the life, career and memory of Pápai Páriz Ferenc (1649, Dés - 1716, Nagyenyed), professor and rector of the Protestant College of Nagyenyed, the famous Transylvanian humanist, medical doctor, poet, philosopher, church historian, heraldist. He studied in Dés (now Dej, Romania), Gyulafehérvár (now Alba Iulia, Romania), Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Marosvásárhely (now Târgu-Mureş, Romania) and Nagyenyed (now Aiud, Romania). In the spring of 1672 he set off from Nagyenyed for a pedestrian trip abroad. He admired the Treasury in Dresden, and attended medical studies in Leipzig and Heidelberg. He completed his medical studies in Basel. In 1674 he became doctor medicus and was elected member of the board of the medical faculty. He returned to Nagyenyed in 1675. Between 1676 and 1690 he is the physician of the court of the Transylvanian princely couple. In 1678 he got a department in the College of Nagyenyed, extended in 1680 with Greek, physics, natural sciences and medical knowledge departments. Between 1681 and 1715 he was the rector of the College. Above all he cherished peace. He was a versatile writer. His medical book written in Hungarian, the PAX CORPORIS, i.e. “the peace of the body” was printed and published at Kolozsvár in 1690. This was dedicated to the target community: “for the benefit of the stupid poor”, it substituted the physician in the family. The rules of a healthy lifestyle were formulated also. The popularity of the book was proved by those eleven editions we know about. Another great work was the Hungarian-Latin, Latin-Hungarian dictionary (Lőcse, now Levoca, Slovakia, 1708). His memory is kept by a bust and plate in the courtyard of the Protestant College of Nagyenyed. The Hungarian postal service (Magyar Posta) released a stamp on his 350th anniversary. His life, work and importance were appreciated by a number of authors across centuries. An internet search on the terms “Pápai” + “Páriz” + “Ferenc” returns an important number of hits. Many foundations and associations are dedicated to his memory.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Reference12 articles.

1. 1. Pápai Páriz F. - Életem folyása. In: Pápai Páriz Ferenc: Békességet magamnak, másoknak. Szerk.: Nagy Géza. Bukarest, Kriterion. 1977, p.135-176

2. 2. Szablyár F. - A Pax corporis írója. In: Pápai-Páriz F. - Pax corporis, szövegkiadás. Budapest: Magvető Kiadó, 1984, p. 423-461

3. 3. Pápai-Páriz F. - A gyulafehérvár-nagyenyedi Bethlenkollégium alapítása és története (Sajtó alá rendezte: Rácz Emese). Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Idea Nyomda; 2016. p. 130-139

4. 4.

5. 5. Józsa J. - Tanulmányok (szerk., előszó: Szilágyi Józsa Mária). Kolozsvár: Kriterion Kiadó; 2016. p. 71-159







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