Post-1800 copies of Atlas Silesiae: may we talk about the second edition?


Paprotny Zbigniew1ORCID


1. 1 Rybnik , Poland


Abstract In the earlier paper (Paprotny, 2022b) I have presented all known states of maps encountered in the 1750 (i.e. 1752) edition of Atlas Silesiae, together with the composition of several Atlas copies from this edition (in terms of states of included maps). The present paper for the first time compares this composition with copies of the Atlas published after 1800. It demonstrates that the latter are most probably compilations of the partially updated material available at the moment of publication, appearing irregularly at dates differing by years and in few copies only. For this reason, they should not be considered a genuine “second edition” of the Atlas as sometimes called in cartographical literature. The appendix with an update to Paprotny (2022b) presents newly identified states of two Atlas maps.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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