Overview of raptor and owl ringing in Slovakia in 2020


Slobodník Roman1,Jenčo Michal2


1. Raptor Protection of Slovakia , Trhová 54 , Bratislava , Slovakia .

2. Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia, Bird Ringing Centre , Námestie osloboditeľov 1 , Michalovce , Slovakia .


Abstract In 2020, 1296 raptors and owls (23 species) were ringed in Slovakia. The most abundant was the common kestrel (719 individuals), then the western marsh harrier (126) and saker falcon (92). The proportion of nestlings among all the ringed individuals was 76.7%. In the given period, 145 recoveries of raptors and owls (15 species) were recorded in the Bird Ringing Centre database. This number included 77 recoveries of colour-marked individuals recovered in our territory. There were 43 recoveries of birds ringed in Slovakia and resighted abroad. The last 25 recoveries were of individuals ringed abroad and recovered in Slovakia. In summary, most of the recoveries (of all types) were of red-footed falcon (69 recoveries), then common kestrel (17) and eastern imperial eagle (15). Most of the recovery circumstances were ring reading (almost 76% in total), findings of bird cadavers (6%) and recaptures (5%). Electrocutions and predations by other animals (3% each) were frequent causes of their deaths.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Nature and Landscape Conservation,Animal Science and Zoology

Reference88 articles.

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