Effect of using insert on the flow pressure in cylindrical silo


Hammadeh Hala1,Askifi Farzat2,Ubysz Andrzej3,Maj Marek3,Zeno Amjad1


1. Faculty of Engineering, Middle East University , Amman , Jordan

2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Damascus University , Damascus , Syria

3. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology , Wroclaw , Poland


Abstract This paper presents an experimental investigation of the discharge flow pressure in the vertical silo and the hopper due to the use of insert (top cone with trunk cone bottom). Using the Insert inside the silos is one of the proposed solutions to avoid the problems of having funnel flow pattern, which has a significant effect on the distribution of flow pressure exerted on the silo wall and the hopper. The experiments were performed on a metal cylinder prototype; corn was used as a granular material, and the wall and hopper pressure distribution was measured by a special pressure transducer. The experiments revealed an important result in the flow pressure due to the change in the location of the insert. The experiments were conducted in Damascus University laboratories.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Computers in Earth Sciences,Mechanics of Materials,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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