Copy number variations of cytochrome P450 genes in Kinh Vietnamese


Vu Nhung Phuong12,Nguyen Ton Dang12,Nguyen Binh Huy3,Nguyen Duong Thuy12,Nong Hai Van12,Nguyen Ha Hai12


1. Department of Biotechnology , Graduate University of Science and Technology , Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology , Hanoi , Vietnam

2. Genome Analysis Laboratory , Institute of Genome Research, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology , Hanoi , Vietnam

3. Department of Physiology , Hanoi Medical University , Dong Da , Hanoi , Vietnam


Abstract Background The cytochrome P450 (CYP450) family is well known as a major group of drug metabolizing enzymes. The polymorphism of CYP450 genes is the main factor having an impact on the interindividual difference in drug response, including drug efficacy and drug safety. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of Vietnamese Kinh has been widely studied, but information about the copy number variations (CNVs) of other CYP450 genes is still unknown. Objective To identify the CNV variability of CYP450 in 154 healthy unrelated Kinh Vietnamese, except eCYP2D6, which was previously reported. Methods Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) was applied for determination of copy number of 10 CYP450 genes. Later, PCR or quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to confirm the detected CNVs in randomly chosen subjects. Results Of the 154 subjects, along with CYP2D6, 4 other CYP450 genes showed CNVs including duplications (CYP1B1), deletions (CYP2A6 and CYP2C9), and both duplications and deletions (CYP2E1). Among these, CYP2A6 exhibited the greatest frequency of CNVs compared with other CYP450, in which CYP2A6Del accounted for 11%. Meanwhile, allele CYP2E1Del showed the lowest frequency with only 0.3%. Conclusions The present study provides new insight into CYP450 CNVs in the Kinh Vietnamese cohort. Our data have contributed to genetic profiling of CYP450 CNVs in Vietnam, which would be helpful for facilitating implementation of pharmacogenetics in drug dosing adjustment in Vietnam.


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