1. 1. Adamowski, J 2006. Methods and techniques for the detection of leakage of the hydroinsulation of flat roofs [in polish]. Warstwy, ściany i dachy 3, 72-73.
2. 2. ASTM D4434 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Sheet Roofing.
3. 3. Beer, HR, Delgado, AH, Paroli, RM and Graveline SP 2005. Durability of PVC Roofing measures - proof after long term field exposure. 10DBMC International Conference on reliability of building Materials and Components, Lyon, France.
4. 4. DIN 16726 Plastic sheets - Testing.
5. 5. EN 13187:2001 Thermal performance of buildings. Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes. Infrared method (ISO 6781:1983 modified).