Analysis of the Financial Performance of Energy Companies in the Current Context in Romania


Bircea Ioan1,Sardi Tamara1


1. 1 ȜGeorge Emil Paladeȝ University of Medicine, Pharmacy , Sciences and Technology of Tg Mureș , Tg Mures, 540088 , Romania


Abstract After a period of pandemic (COVID-19), the liberalisation of electricity markets (on 1 January 2021), the start of the war in Ukraine, the imbalances between energy supply and demand at European level, energy policies at EU (towards green energy) and national level, prices are rising massively and consumption is falling for both individuals and companies, with a direct impact on the financial performance of companies in this sector. The assessment of the financial performance of companies in the energy sector was based on a set of indicators calculated from both financial statement and market data. The analysis was carried out during 2019-30 September 2023 and targeted two producers S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A., S.N. Nuclearelectrica SA, a carrier C.N.T.E.E. Transelectica SA and a distributor Societatea Energetică Electrică S.A.


George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures

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