Monitoring System Management for Organic Wheat Reception Base


Mesaros Diana1,Duda Marcel2,Moldovan Cristina2,Muntean Sorin2,Merca Nicu3,Pop Marius1


1. Control Systems Engineering Department , University of Oradea , Str. Universităţii nr. 1 , Oradea , Romania

2. Crop Science Department , University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine , Calea Manastur nr. 3-5 , Cluj-Napoca , Romania

3. Technical and Soil Sciences Department , University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine , Calea Manastur nr. 3-5 Cluj-Napoca , Romania


Abstract The aim of this article is to present monitoring system management using the AGILE SCRUM Methodology and microprocessors based systems for temperature monitorization of a grain reception base for organic wheat. In this article is presented the well-detailed proof of concept for a web-based temperature monitoring system, using Arduino and temperature sensors for temperature monitorization and AGILE SCRUM Methodology for software development management. In this way, the operators from grain reception base will be able to monitor the temperature from different halls, build from different materials, remotely.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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