1. Connective Tissue Diseases Research Center , Tabriz University of Medical Science , Iran .
2. Internal Medicine Group , Kashan University of Medical Sciences , Kashan , Iran
Background: Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory condition closely linked with giant cell arteritis, which is a large vessel vasculitis. To provide real-world evidence on PMR outcomes and their determinants, we conducted a longitudinal study focusing on symptom relief and acute phase reactant normalization.
Methods: We followed patients with PMR who were registered in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Vasculitis Registry (TUOMS-VR) until February 2023. We measured sustained remission (primary outcome) and secondary outcomes including glucocorticoids (GCs)-free remission, medication-free remission, relapse rate and disease-induced damage.
Results: We identified eighty-one patients with PMR and followed them for a median time of 57 months. In a median duration of 3 weeks, 98.8% of patients achieved symptom control, with 86.4% achieving sustained remission in a median duration of 9 weeks. Sustained remission was more common in non-smokers and adherent to therapy patients. Relapse occurred in 22.1% of patients, primarily due to non-adherence. Medication-free remission was observed in 30.9% of patients, especially among females and those with an initial prednisolone dose > 15 mg/d. Damage occurred in 42.0% of patients.
Conclusion: Although sustained remission in PMR is not an unattainable goal in daily practice and most patients are in remission at the last visit, two-thirds of patients require long-term treatment.