1. University of Turin – Department of Philosophy and Education
There’s no need to introduce the first speaker of this morning as he is, arguably, one of the most renowned semioticians in the world. During his brilliant career he has published extensively on the topic of virtual realities and he will present to us his latest research on the defining technology of our times: the Simulatron. Specifically, he will focus on the 2053 incident which took place inside the virtual world of SimuLife during which all the users lost the ability to use verbal language and thus inventively resorted to different semiotic forms of meaning-making to communicate and interact. A topic which is of extreme relevance for this 2062 World congress « Semiotics in the Metalife ». So, without further ado, I welcome and leave the floor to Professor Wright..
Reference47 articles.
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3. Barricelli, B. R. et al., 2016. Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication process. Behaviour & Information Technology, 35 (11), 879–896, available at: < >.10.1080/0144929X.2016.1212092
4. Bartezzaghi, S., 2016. La ludoteca di Babele. Turin: Utet.
5. Barthes, R., 1966. Introduction à l’analyse structurale des récits. Communications 8, 1–27, available at: < >.10.3406/comm.1966.1113