The Influence of Horizon Xiv’s Exploitation on the Stability of Surface at Slănic Prahova Mine


Postolachi Bogdan1,Marina Ovidiu2,Marian Dacian-Paul3,Onica Ilie4


1. 1 University of Petrosani , Department of Mining Engineering, Surveying and Constructions , Romania

2. 2 University of Petrosani , Department of Mining Engineering, Surveying and Constructions , Romania

3. 3 University of Petrosani , Department of Mining Engineering, Surveying and Constructions , Romania

4. 4 University of Petrosani , Department of Mining Engineering, Surveying and Constructions , Romania


Abstract The exploitation of the XIV horizon, in two slices, across the entire mining perimeter of the Slănic Prahova Salt Mine until the end of 2059 will result in the amplification of surface subsidence, already affected by the mining operations of Victoria, Cantacuzino, and Old Mines. Systematic annual monitoring of ground deformation has been conducted since 2004 through geometric leveling along selected representative alignments, which were utilized to forecast the temporal evolution of surface subsidence and the impact of mining the XIV horizon. Furthermore, 3D numerical modeling was employed to estimate the subsidence and ground displacements.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Medicine

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