1. 1. Paszota Z.: Energy-saving structures of hydrostatic drives for ship deck machines. Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 7, No 1, 2000, pp. 3-9.
2. 2. Paszota Z.: Energy efficiency of hydraulic cylinders in servo-mechanism. Conference proceedings. International XIX Scientific Conference of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers “Marine Technology on the Theshold of XXI Century - Marine Technology 2000”. May 4-6, 2000, Szczecin-Dziwnowek, Poland. Szczecin Technical University, Pol. Acad. Sci., Soc. Pol Naval Arch. Marine Eng. KORAB. 2000, pp. 139-147.
3. 3. Paszota Z.: Hydraulic proportional control of the cylinder with a variable pressure overflow valve - a model of the energy efficiency of the system. Chapter in the monograph: “Research, design, manufacturing and operation of hydraulic systems”, Edward Palczak editor, “Cylinder” Library (in Polish), Centrum Mechanizacji Gornictwa „Komag”, Gliwice 2001, pp. 55-67.
4. 4. Paszota Z.: Energy - Saving Supply Structures of the Throttling Directional Control Valve in the System of Proportional Control of the Linear Hydraulic Motor. [Proceedings] Viertes Deutch - Polnisches Seminar “Innovation und Fortschritt in der Fluidtechnik”, Sopot, 20-21 September 2001, Technische Universitat Warszawa, Fakultat fur Mechatronik, Institut fur Automatik und Robotik, pp. 90-100.
5. 5. Paszota Z.: Energy aspects of hydrostatic drives. Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 10, No 2 2003, pp. 18-20.