1. Aitken, Ian. 2001. European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2. Aitken, Ian. 2006. Realist Film Theory and Cinema: The Nineteenth-Century Lukácsian and Intuitionist Realist Traditions. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press.
3. Baker, Rob. 2014. “Spivs and the Post-War British Gangster Films”. Flashback (blog). Available: https://flashbak.com/spivs-post-war-british-gangster-films-26457/ [2023, April 4].
4. Baker, Frederick, dir. Shadowing the Third Man. London: Silverapples Media LTD, 2004.
5. Bazin, André. 1967. What Is Cinema? Translated by Hugh Gray. Berkeley: Berkeley University Press.