Selected defects of one-way clutches based on Mi-24 helicopter – reasons, effects and diagnosing


Tokarski Tomasz1,Obłąkowski Krzysztof1,Parucki Janusz1,Kucharzewski Tomasz1,Kwiatkowski Tadeusz1


1. Air Force Institute of Technology


Abstract This manuscript describes the proprietary method of diagnosing one-way clutches of Mi-24 at their earlier wearing stage, which is challenging to diagnose with traditional methods (vibroacoustic). The FAM-C method is based on the analysis of frequency modulation of the on-board generator driven from the examined power unit. It enables to observe the influence of other mechanical elements on the operation of this clutch: it monitors all rotary subassemblies of aircraft connected with mechanical power transmission. The manuscript aims to review the typical defects of one-way clutches in helicopter propulsion systems, describe the FAM-C method as a basic method at the early diagnosing stage and confirm its efficiency based on the provided results.


Index Copernicus


Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality

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