Effect of Higher Order Element on Numerical Instability in Topological Optimization of Linear Static Loading Structure
This paper presents the mathematical model to solve the topological optimization problem. Effect of higher order element on the optimum topology of the isotropic structure has been studied by using 8-node elements which help in decreasing the numerical instability due to checkerboarding problem in the final topologies obtained. The algorithms are investigated on a number of two-dimensional benchmark problems. MATLAB code has been developed for different numerical two dimensional linear isotropic structure and SIMP approach is applied. Models are discretized using linear quadratic 4-node and 8-node elements and optimal criteria method is used in the numerical scheme. Checkerboarding instability in the final topology is greatly reduces when incorporated 8-node element instead of 4-node element which can be confirmed through comparing the final topologies of the structure.
Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Mechanical Engineering,Modelling and Simulation,Computational Mechanics