Did The Restrictions Implemented in The Republic of Poland During The Covid-19 Pandemic Violate The Essence of Freedom of Assembly?


Ciżyńska-Pałosz Angelika1


1. Jagiellonian University , Poland


Summary The exceptional situation surrounding the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic directly affected the functioning of many liberal democracies. To limit the negative effects of the pandemic, numerous restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms were introduced. The main objective of this article is to analyse Polish legal regulations regarding the possibility of limiting constitutional rights, in particular the freedom of assembly, during and outside states of emergency. The analysis focuses on the violation of the essence of the freedom of assembly in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic and determines whether it could have been avoided. This is important because such a situation could arise again, and countries will be forced to learn from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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