Investment Activities of Polish Insurance Companies Before and After Solvency II


Szaniewski Daniel1


1. Warsaw University of Technology , Faculty of Management , Warsaw , POLAND


Abstract Insurance companies operate in a turbulent, constantly changing environment. The insurance market plays an important role in the economy. On the one hand, it is characterized by the dynamic development of services based on new technologies and distribution channels, and on the other hand, it is subject to transformations related to changes in the scope of conducting insurance activities – including new legal regulations – and has to counter global challenges, such as the crisis which started in 2007 on the American financial market. In such realities, insurers must manage their investment activities. The article indicates the legal basis of the restrictions applicable to insurance companies in relation to their investment activities. The Solvency II system is discussed and the most important differences from its predecessor – Solvency I – are presented, and there is an analysis of the structure of investments of domestic life and non-life insurance companies.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Strategy and Management

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