Romanian Tourism Branding Model


Ștefan Maria-Cristina1,Ionescu Luiza1,Andreiana Violeta-Andreea1


1. “Valahia” University of Târgoviște , Romania


Abstract Destination marketing is a complex process that involves creating a unique identity for a location, which is essential for attracting visitors and promoting the destination. This identity is created through a comprehensive branding approach beyond just creating logos. Instead, it involves a 360-degree holistic approach that considers the destination's heritage, values, and other key elements that make it stand out from other locations. Once the destination's brand has been established, it forms the foundation of all marketing activities to promote the location and attract new visitors. All content and messages should be aligned with the destination's brand identity to ensure consistency and maximum impact. The brand of a destination is crucial to its success, and this is especially true for Romanian tourism. This is why we are highly motivated to develop a comprehensive branding model that will help establish a strong brand identity for Romanian tourism. This model will be based on careful research and analysis of the unique characteristics of Romanian tourism, including its heritage, values, and other key elements that make it a popular destination for visitors.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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