Influence of Climate on Radial Growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus Ilex Subsp. Ballota Desf) from SW Spain


Patón Daniel1,García-Herrera Ricardo2,Cuenca Javier1,Galavis Mamen1,Roig Fidel3


1. Ecology Unit. Faculty of Sciences, Avda. Elvás s/n 06071 Badajoz, Spain

2. Department of Atmospheric Physics, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain

3. IANIGLA, CCT-CONICET, Laboratory of Dendrochronology, Mendoza, Argentina


Influence of Climate on Radial Growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus Ilex Subsp. Ballota Desf) from SW Spain A total of 47 trunk sections from Holm Oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Desf) trees growing at two different sites at the Extremadura region (SW Spain) were considered in the computation of a regional tree-ring chronology useful to interpret the tree-ring/Mediterranean climate relationships. This is the first dendroclimatological research of Holm Oaks conducted to reveal its potential use as a climatic proxy. The obtained tree-ring chronologies were compared with climatic parameters based on monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall, and monthly maximum, minimum and average temperature. The best correlations were obtained with maximum temperatures during the period between previous winter and early spring. Influence of rainfall was less relevant. Growth of this species indicates a typical bimodal (spring and autumn) strategy that avoids low winter temperatures and summer drought. Despite some technical difficulties recognizing tree rings in Holm Oaks, its good sensitivity to climate variability and its wide distribution and longevity (~800 years), allow us to consider this species as a good candidate for temperature reconstructions in the Mediterranean Basin.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)







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