Technological employment of fire-fighting adapter to increase the efficiency of extinguishing forest fires
Hnilicová Michaela1, Priatka Matej2, Hnilica Richard1, Messingerová Valéria2
1. Technical University in Zvolen , Faculty of Technology , T. G. Masaryka 24 , Zvolen , Slovak Republic 2. Technical University in Zvolen , Faculty of Forestry , T. G. Masaryka 24 , Zvolen , Slovak Republic
The paper presents the results of the solution defining the possible application of the adapter as a fire-fighting mobile device with a base machine of a forest wheeled skidder (LKT) in the fire protection of forests in the Slovak Republic. Following the challenging accessibility to fire-fighting machinery during any intervention in forestry operation, the main aim was formulated. It will be about basic technical parameters of the DATEFF fire-fighting adapter, resulting from operational measures and following specification of its tactical deployment in extinguishing forest fires. This fact also follows from based on statistically processed data on fire in state forests of the Slovak Republic in the last ten years. The greatest damage occurs mainly the forests at a slope gradient of 16%. Designed fire adapter is structurally designed mainly to these terrains. Regarding its design and technical parameters, the proposed DATEFF adapter can be employed tactically as fire-fighting mobile device. In the case of an unavailable water source without access to the forest transport network, the adapter can be used as a part of long-distance water transport or as a mobile device for emergency import of material. Another option is to use it as a water tank in inaccessible terrain with the possibility of refilling using a Bambi bag and a helicopter. This fire-fighting adapter DATEFF is designed for forest wheel tractors that reach 40% slope availability, are able to work on the stand area, overcome obstacles and are available in sufficient quantities in all Slovak forest owners.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
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