Non-native tree species growth characteristics inventoried three decades after planting in the Danube Lowland


Longauer Roman12,Belko Martin1,Pástor Michal13,Strmeň Slavomír1,Mačejovský Vladimír1


1. National Forest Centre – Forest Research Institute Zvolen , T. G. Masaryka 2175/22, SK-96001 Zvolen , Slovak Republic

2. Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology , Mendel University in Brno , CZ-61300 Brno , Czech Republic

3. Technical University in Zvolen – Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences , T. G. Masaryka 24 , Zvolen , Slovak Republic


Abstract This paper presents non-native (NN) coniferous and deciduous tree species growth and vitality assessment on experimental research plots established in 1980, 1982 and 1985 in the Danube Lowland over an extended time period. For NN coniferous tree species, Douglas fir, grand fir and eastern white pine reached significantly higher values of diameter at breast height (dbh) and height (H) than Austrian pine. For NN deciduous tree species markedly higher values of H and dbh for black walnut compared to sweet chestnut and red oak were recorded. Damage observed in larger extent on examined NN tree species stands included illegal removal of top of stem for grand fir and presence of necrosis on trunks of sweet chestnut. Comparison of NN coniferous and deciduous tree species growth with native reference tree species showed that NN Douglas fir, grand fir, eastern white pine, red oak and black walnut were capable to achieve similar or even higher values of assessed parameters than native reference tree species. The results suggest, that cultivation of NN coniferous, including Douglas fir, eastern white pine, as well as NN deciduous tree species, including red oak and black walnut in Danube Lowland could contribute to diversification and stabilisation of wood production potential of local forest formations.


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