1. 1 Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G. M. Vysotsky , Hryhoriia Skovorody Str. 86 , , Kharkiv , Ukraine
Enabling natural seed regeneration is important because natural stands grown from seeds are more productive compared to vegetative and artificial ones; they are also more resistant to adverse environmental factors and climate change. The aim of the study was to assess natural regeneration after clear-cutting in oak stands in the north-eastern Ukraine. The research was carried out in stands where regeneration cutting was carried out in years with different oak fruiting intensity. According to the recent inventory, the total regeneration quantity in clear-cut plots was from 16,800 to 28,900 stems ha–1, including 12,600–19,300 stems ha–1 of oak (60–85% of the total number), and a greater number of the regenerated oaks was recorded in the years of medium, good and very good acorn yield. It was established that the cutting must be carried out precisely in such years, preceded by pre-harvest cultural activities to promote oak natural regeneration. The composition of the formed young stands is optimal and meets the objectives of forest management in the study region.